Wednesday, 10 May 2017


No doubt  there's pain, difficulty and struggle in human existence. You can only permit obstacles to control your mind to the point where they are uppermost and
Thus becomes the dominating factors in your thought pattern.
  By learning how to cast them from the mind, by refusing to become mentally subservient to them, and by channelling spiritual power through your thoughts, you can rise above obstacles which ordinarily might defeat you.

 1. Believe in yourself, have faith in your abilities. With sound self-confidence you can succeed. A sense of inferiority complex and inadequacy interferes with the attainment of your hopes but self confidence leads to self realisation and successful achievement. It is appalling to realize the number of pathetic people who are hampered by the malady popularly called inferiority complex. 
  You can develop faith in yourself , justified faith. Following is the affirmation that can be followed. ''I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me, phillipians 4:13" write it down and recite often whenever you start feeling  down. 
Imbibe the simple technique of faith taught in the Bible..

2. The greatest secret for eliminating the inferiority complex which is another term for self doubt , is to fill your mind to overflowing with faith in God. The acquiring of dynamic faith is accomplished by prayers, by reading and mentally absorbing the bible and by practicing its faith techniques, but the type of prayers that produces the quality of faith required to eliminate inferiority complex is of a particular nature. Ordinary problems could be met by ordinary prayers, but when a big problem comes along you have to pray a deep prayers.
   This can be seen in Mathew 2:29 '' according to your faith be it unto you'' so the bigger your problem, the bigger your prayer should be. 
3. I wish to indicate that to build up feelings of self confidence, the practice of suggesting confidence concepts to your mind is very effective, because if your mind is obsessed by thoughts of insecurity and inadequacy, it is because such ideas have dominated your thought pattern for a very long while, so positive pattern of ideas must be given the mind..
  It is possible even in the midst of daily work, to drive confident thoughts into your consciousness. Always remember this words, they are life, Mathew 17:20, ''if ye have faith, nothing shall be impossible unto you'' Romans 8:31, ''if God be for us who can be against us'' we build the feelings of insecurity or security by the way we think. Fix your attention on negative events, the result be you constantly living in fear. 

  4  . Lack of confidence apparently is one of the great problems besetting people today. Everywhere you encounter people who  are inwardly afraid, who suffer deep sense of insecurity. Deep within themselves they mistrust their ability to grasp opportunities. Always they are beset with the vague fear that something is not going to be quite right. They do not believe they have it in them to be whatever they want to be in life, and so they settle for less. 
 Thousands go crawling through life on their hands and knees, when they should be soaring. One of the most powerful thought, one is which is a sure cure for lack of confidence is the thought that God is actually with you and helping you. Always affirm that God is with you, God is helping you, God is guiding you.The  release of power from this words will astonish you.

5.  Feelings of confidence depend on the type of  thoughts that habitually occupy  your mind. Think defeat and you're bound to be defeated. But practice thinking confident thoughts, make it dominating habit and you'll develop such a string sense of capacity that regardless of what difficulties arise you're bound to overcome them.
  Feelings of confidence actually induce increased strength. Be bold and mighty forces will come to your aid.
  In conclusion, in the words of Ralph waldo Emerson,he declared , they conquer who believe they can, do the thing you fear and death of fear is absolute. Practice absolute confidence and faith and your fears and insecurities will have no power over you.

     ''You're what you think''

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